We are Rich, Melina and Emma Black of Canton, Georgia, and Vizslas have been our great love since we brought our very first boy, Russet, home in 1998.
Our more than 25 years in the breed (and nearly a lifetime in the world of purebred dogs) have taught us a great deal about these very special dogs. Breeding only very occasionally, we have worked hard to pay the most attention to what truly matters -- health, temperament, physical conformation, field ability, and maintaining the versatile quality that makes Vizslas so extraordinary.
We are proud to have been recognized as AKC Breeders of Merit, and to have owned and/or bred AKC Grand Champion, AKC, UKC and International Champion, Best in Specialty Show-winning, VCA National Specialty Award of Merit-winning, National Best in Grand Futurity-winning, Westminster Kennel Club-placing, Sporting Group-winning, UKC Best in Show-winning, field trial-placing, VCA National High Combined in Rally Trial-winning, and NAVHDA Prize 1-winning Vizslas who have earned titles in conformation (show), field, obedience, rally, agility, and coursing ability. Most of all, we are proud of what we believe to be the outstanding health and temperament of the dogs we have bred.
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